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Career-Track Committee


Career-Track (CT) Standing Committee consists of Nine (9) Career-Track (CT) General Faculty members (as defined by the most recent Career-Track Faculty Position Policy 2-0903) and three (3) Faculty Council members. To be eligible to serve as a member of the Career-Track Standing Committee, nominated Career-Track faculty members must have been employed in a full-time capacity for at least three consecutive years at Oklahoma State University. Members may be selected from the OSU-Stillwater or OSU-Tulsa campuses. The distribution of members should strive to be representative of all units and should reflect a diversity of roles and length of service. This committee shall provide regular and consistent representation of Career-Track issues to Faculty Council and University administration. Additional Charges for the Committee include:
(1) Provide a clear definition for “Career-Track” Faculty by amending all relevant university policies;
(2) Revise the Charter and Bylaws to include Career-Track Faculty as members of the General Faculty (i.e., Voting Members);
(3) Discuss the role of Career-Track Faculty as Faculty Council Representatives;
(4) Review and propose revisions to policies governing Career-track titles, appointments, promotion, and voting rights;
(5) Provide recommendations for consistency related to policies and procedures governing titles, appointments, and promotion of Career-Track Faculty;
(6) Work in consultation with the Faculty Committee as appropriate.



2023-2024 Committee Members

Career-Track General Faculty Members

Cristina Colquhoun

Evan Davis

Shirley Evans

Alexandra Ford

Jennifer Glenn

Sarah Johnson

Jennifer Labrecque

Jonathan Ludwig

Jim Burkman

Faculty Council Members

Brad Lawson

James Knapp

Deana Hildebrand

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