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Equal Opportunity Resources

Below you will find a link to resources related to anti-discrimination and Title IX protections. 


Anti-Discrimination and Title IX Protections

OSU is committed to creating an environment for all students and employees that is fair and responsible, an environment where all members of the OSU community are treated with dignity and respect and distinctions are made on the basis of ability and performance. This commitment is based on our dedication to educational justice and the promise of each individual, as well as adherence to federal and state civil rights laws and University policies and procedures. OSU provides equal employment and educational opportunity on the basis of merit and in a manner which does not discriminate because of an individual's age, race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, genetic information, gender identity or expression, national origin, disability, protected veteran status, or other protected category. 


NOTE: This is updated annually to serve as a resource for all OSU employees, although some references are applicable only to faculty. The Provost’s Office, on behalf of the original COACHE Working Group, welcomes comments and/or suggestions of other resources that would be useful to include on this site. Suggestions should be emailed to