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2024 University committees


2024 University committees, councils and board descriptions. This is a select list of the options included in the annual Faculty Council Committee Preference Survey. 



Athletic Council:


The purpose of the Athletic Council is to act as an advisory group to the Vice President and Athletic Director and to the President of the University regarding the general supervision of the intercollegiate athletic program. The Athletics Council typically meets twice in the Fall and three times in the Spring.



Grade Appeals Board:


The charge of the Grade Appeals Board is to provide assistance in cases of grade disputes. The Board makes a determined effort to provide a mechanism for exchanging information between student and instructor and affecting reconciliation without creating an air of judicial inquiry. Appeals of alleged violations of academic integrity will be handled by the Academic Integrity Panel. The Grade Appeals Board typically meets about four times a semester.



Inclusive Excellence Advisory Board:


This board is an advisory board in all matters concerning affirmative action, sexual harassment and equal opportunity, both in employment and the academic environment.  The general functions of the board are:


  1. to provide periodic training programs on affirmative action policies and procedures for university officials and employees;
  2. to review continually the content of the Affirmative Action Program and assess the progress being made;
  3. to give policy advice to the President with respect to affirmative action/equal opportunity for all persons on campus;
  4. serves in an advisory capacity to the Vice President for Institutional Diversity and Affirmative Action Director and as counselors/advisors to respective faculty, staff, or students in the area of sexual harassment.

The Inclusive Excellence Advisory Board typically meets quarterly.



Intellectual Property Screening:


The intent of this committee is to provide a mechanism for bringing university Intellectual Property into the public realm and to promote utilization of such property for the public benefit.  The objective of this committee is to safeguard the interests and mission of the university by establishing a mechanism for the development and protection of intellectual property, while at the same time encouraging creative thinking and protecting the interests of the public, the university, and individual faculty and staff members. The Intellectual Property Screening Committee reviews new disclosures on an as-needed basis.



Student Conduct Committee:


The charge of this committee is to hear appeals on matters of student conduct arising from cases heard initially by the Division of Student Affairs.


The Student Conduct Committee is comprised of a pool of forty-five people: 15 faculty, 15 staff and 15 students.  The committee’s responsibilities include:


  1. Student disciplinary cases in which suspension or expulsion from the University for conduct reasons is a possibility and associated appeals;
  2. Greek group discipline cases in which suspension of the group from the University is a possibility; and
  3. Student discrimination grievance hearings. 

For a hearing, a panel of one faculty, one staff, and one student is drawn.  A faculty member will serve as the chair of the hearing panel. Generally, the number of hearings is about five per year. However, when the task is presented, the process occurs over a short period of time and the decisions are a challenge.


Committee members are expected to attend a variety of training sessions in preparation for service.  A general orientation covering the general legal and procedural issues regarding student discipline is usually the first session.  Specialized training sessions covering topics such as hazing, sexual misconduct, and discrimination issues are also required.   


Additionally, committee members are selected to serve on appeal panels regarding parking violations. There are two appeal levels for a parking violation before an appeal goes forward to committee members. Parking appeals are generally resolved before coming to this committee. 



Student Media Board:


The Board of Directors of OSU Student Media is accountable to the President of Oklahoma State University for the policies and procedures of student publications, for the approval of student personnel and student staff budgets for the Daily O'Collegian, and for other student media that the Directors deem advisable.  The Directors have the authority to conduct inquiries and investigations into activities related to student media and to make recommendations to the appropriate persons. The Student Media Board meets three times per academic year.



Committee on Student Organizations:


The Committee on Student Organizations is to:


  1. Serve in an advisory capacity to the Assistant Director of Campus Life for policy related to student organizations and their co-curricular activities.
  2. Recommend the issuance and revocation of charters of student organizations and groups to the SGA Senate, which shall approve or disapprove the committee's recommendation and subsequently issue or revoke the charter, subject to the approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
  3. Recommend recognition of student religious groups to the SGA Senate, which shall recognize such groups upon the approval of the Vice President for Student Affairs.
  4. Approve constitutional revisions of student organizations.
  5. As needed or upon request, study past, current, and future fee allocations and requests.

The Student Organizations Committee typically meets weekly during the Fall and Spring semesters.


Termination Hearing Board:

The Termination Hearing Board, as described in the OSU Faculty Handbook, is a valuable resource to the faculty of Oklahoma State University when grievance or termination proceedings become necessary.  The Provost’s Office will arrange training for Board members (if necessary) at a future date. Please note this Board does not hold regularly scheduled meetings but only is called on an “as-needed” basis.


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