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Pamela Lovern - Chair

Dr. Pamela Lovern is an Associate Professor in the Department of Physiological Sciences in the College of Veterinary Medicine. She received her PhD from the University of Missouri (Physiology, 2000) and completed an NIH National Research Service Award-funded postdoctoral fellowship before joining the OSU faculty in 2006. Her research has been funded by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and she has served as a grant reviewer for the NIH, National Science Foundation (NSF), and the American Heart Association.



Pam is one of the two Program Directors for OSU’s newly awarded NIH G-RISE grant (2021-2026), which has the goal of training a diverse group of biomedical sciences PhD students for successful careers in research. Prior to that, she was the Graduate Program Coordinator for the Comparative Biomedical Sciences MS/PhD program (2013-2021). She teaches both veterinary professional (DVM) students and graduate students. Pam is a recipient of the Regents’ Distinguished Research Award (2012), the Zoetis Award for Research Excellence (2015), the Outstanding Graduate Coordinator award (2019), and the GPSGA Phoenix Faculty Award (2020). She participated in the inaugural OSU Academic Leadership Academy and was a founding member of OSU’s Phi Beta Kappa chapter. Pam has extensive experience in shared governance. She was a member of the OSU Graduate Council from 2010-14 (as Vice-Chair, then Chair of Graduate Faculty Group VI/Biomedical Sciences). She next joined Faculty Council as the representative for the College of Veterinary Medicine (2013-16) before serving as the Secretary from 2017-2020. She has also served as the chair of Faculty Council’s Faculty Committee, Budget Committee, and Rules & Procedures Committee. Pam recently participated in the SCORE research culture working group, and is a member of OSU’s Inclusive Excellence Advisory Board.


She and her husband Matt live in Stillwater with three teenagers, three cats, and several assorted reptiles. She enjoys quilting, gardening, and baking.