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Student Help

The STAR System allows for easy communication between instructors, students and advisors. Use the STAR System to set up an appointment with your advisor and sign up for tutoring.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the STAR System?

    The STAR System is way for you to easily schedule an appointment with your advisor or sign up for tutoring. The STAR System includes a communication tool called the OSU Academic Alert System that alerts your advisor of any submissions made by an instructor.


    Instructors have the ability to submit a progress report for good academic performance or an academic alert for any academic concerns. Academic concerns include no evidence of attendance, excessive absences, stopped attending, poor quality work, missing work and/or cannot pass with remaining coursework.

  • How do I schedule an appointment with my advisor using the STAR System?

    Select the current semester in the pull-down menu in the top right (if not already selected).


    Click the blue "Get Advising" button on the right side of your Student Home page.


    On the "Schedule an Advising Appointment" page, select the appropriate service category (typically, "Meet with My Advisor").


    Select the appropriate option (typically, "Advising Appointment") and then click the blue "Next" button.


    Select your advisor's office location and the the name of your advisor and then click the blue "Next" button.


    Click on one of the blue boxes beneath a date to view available appointment times.  You may need to click the blue arrow buttons above the entries to scroll to future weeks in order to find an available appointment time. 


    Once you have found a time that works for you, click on it to highlight it in blue. Then click the blue "Next" button.


    Enter any comments/info you need to share with your advisor, and then click the "Confirm Appointment" button to schedule the appointment. 


    You will receive a confirmation email that will include your appointment information shortly afterward.


    Note: Not all advisors use the STAR System for appointment scheduling.  If no availability is shown in the system, you will need to contact your advisor directly to schedule an appointment. 

    Additionally, if the advisor listed in the STAR System is not your correct advisor, you will have to contact your correct advisor to have the system updated with his/her information.

  • How do I schedule an appointment with a LASSO Tutor using the STAR System?

    Select the current semester in the pull-down menu in the top right (if not already selected).


    Click the blue "Get Tutoring or Peer Advising" button on the right side of your Student Home page.


    On the "Schedule Tutor Appointment" page, select "Book LASSO Tutoring Appointment" in the first pull-down menu.


    Select the OSU course for which you would like to schedule a tutoring appointment (or select NOC Math or NOC Science if you need tutoring for an NOC course) and then click the blue "Next" button. 


    Select "LASSO Center, 021 CLB" as the location and then click the blue "Next" button. Leave the "Which Tutor?" field blank unless you know the name of the tutor you want to select.


    Click on one of the blue boxes beneath a date to view available appointment times.  You may need to click the blue arrow buttons above the entries to scroll to future weeks in order to find an available appointment time. 


    Once you have found a time that works for you, click on it to highlight it in blue. Then click the blue "Next" button.


    Enter any comments/info you need to share with your tutor, and then click the "Confirm Appointment" button to schedule the appointment. 


    You will receive a confirmation email that will include your appointment information shortly afterward.


    Note:  If no availability is shown in the system, you will need to contact LASSO at 405-744-3309 to determine if a tutor is available for your particular course.

  • How do I cancel or reschedule an appointment I made previously?

    To cancel or reschedule an appointment, you may call or email your advisor or tutor (or the person with whom you scheduled the appointment) directly. Alternatively, you can cancel online through the STAR System (and then book a new appointment, subject to availability).


    To cancel through the STAR System, navigate to your appointment.  It can be viewed on your Calendar page (calendar icon on the left), on the "Calendar" tab on your Student Home page, or in the "Upcoming Appointments" section on the right of your Student Home page.

    Click on the appointment to open the "Manage Appointment" window, then click the "Cancel My Attendance" link at the bottom left.


    Next, select the "Student Cancellation - Describe Reason for Cancelling..." option as the reason, and then enter your explanation for cancelling in the "Comments" box.


    Click "Mark as Cancelled" to complete the cancellation. You will receive a confirmation email indicating the appointment was cancelled shortly afterward. Note: once an appointment is cancelled online, it cannot be uncancelled.  You will have to book a new appointment.

  • How do I view my course schedule for the current semester in the STAR System? For previous or future semesters?

    Select the current semester in the pull-down menu in the top right (if not already selected).


    Your course sections for the semester will appear in the "Classes This Term" section of your Student Home page (home icon on the left).


    To view previous or future semesters, select the desired term in the pull-down menu in the top right corner.

  • How do I view Academic Alerts (progress reports) submitted by my professors or Notes shared with me by my advisor?

    Click on the "Reports" tab on your Student Home page.  Academic Alerts will appear in a "Progress Reports for [Your First Name]" section on this tab, while shared notes will appear in the "Notes About Student" section. Files attached to notes can be downloaded by clicking on the file name in the "Attachments" section.

  • How do I send a message to my advisor or professor through the STAR System?

    Make sure the current semester is selected in the pull-down menu at the top right.  Then click the "Send a Message" tab on your Student Home page.


    Click the check box next to the name(s) of your advisor/professor(s) that you would like to message.

    Select "Send Message" from the the "Actions" pull-down menu to open the messaging window.  Enter a subject, message, any attachments, and any additional email addresses, then click the blue "Send Message" button.


    A copy of the message will be saved on your Conversations page (envelope icon on the left).