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Advisor Help

Request Access to the STAR System

Advisor-level access to OSU's STAR System (STAR) requires a new user to complete an submit a STAR System Access Request form.  Prior to submitting the form, a new user must have completed University-sponsored FERPA training (available on the OSU Registrar's website under the FERPA and Privacy link) AND have been granted comparable access to OSU's student information system (Banner).  To request Banner access, visit the Banner Access Request website.


Completed STAR System Access Request forms should be emailed to or faxed to 405-744-8203.


Progress Report/Academic Alert Case Management

Click here for a printable Advisor Quick Guide containing directions for managing cases opened by academic alerts submitted by professors on your undergraduate students.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • How do I switch between academic terms?
    There is a pull-down menu at the top right of the system that allows you to select an academic term.  Simply click on the term you would like to view. When you first log in, the system will default to the latest enrollment term.
  • How do I view the list of students who have me assigned as their advisor?

    Your assigned students will appear under the "My Assigned Students" section on your Advisor Home page. This list updates based on the term selected in the pull-down menu at the top right of the screen.  Only students enrolled in the selected semester will appear in your list.

  • Why does a student enrolled in the selected semester not appear in "My Assigned Students" list?

    Check to see if the student is assigned to you in Banner. If you are not listed as an advisor in Banner but should be, contact your department personnel in charge of updating advising assignments and ask to be added as the student's advisor. Updates to Banner take 24-48 hours to be reflected in the STAR System.


    If you are correctly listed as a currently enrolled student's advisor in Banner, email the student's name, CWID, your name, and your CWID to have the assignment corrected.

  • Where can I see my upcoming appointments?

     A quick view of your next 5 appointments displays on the right side of your Advisor Home page, in the "Upcoming Appointments" section.  All upcoming appointments can be viewed on the "Upcoming Appointments" tab (also on the Advisor Home page).  Appointments are also displayed on your Calendar page.

  • Where can I manage/view my advisor reports for my most recent appointments?

     At the bottom of your Advisor Home page is the "Advisor Reporting" section.  "Recent Appointments" are displayed here, as are "Recent Reports You Created." Use the "Actions" pull-down menu to add/update an advising report for the displayed appointments.  No-shows can also be marked by opening a report and unchecking the "Attended" box below the student's name on the report.

  • How do I open an advising report for a scheduled or walk-in appointment?

    For advisors located in advising centers where students check in at a front desk, use the "Advising Appointment Queues" tab, which will show students who have checked in for their appointments (or as walk-ins).  Click the checkbox next to a student's name and use the "Actions" menu to select "Start Appointment" to complete a report.


    All advisors can access reports for scheduled appointments from either the "Upcoming Appointments" tab or from the "Advisor Reporting" section on the Advisor Home page by clicking the "Actions" menu and selecting "Add Advising Appointment Report."

  • How do I cancel an appointment?

    Click on the “Upcoming Appointments” tab on your Advisor Home page and locate the appointment you would like to cancel.  Click the checkbox next to the appointment and select “Cancel Appointment” from the “Actions” menu.


    Select “Entire Appointment” in the “Cancel Appointment For” menu.


    Select “Advisor Cancellation - Enter Message for Student” as the “Reason.”


    Enter a message to the student concerning the cancellation in the “Comments” section.


    Click on the “Cancel Appointment” button.

  • Can I schedule appointments for students with other advisors?

    Yes, provided the other advisor has set his/her availability and has an open appointment time.  However, many advisors have their own appointment preferences, so it is best to have the student schedule his/her own appointment either through the STAR System or by contacting the advisor directly.  

  • I sit in an advising center with a front desk receptionist. What notification options are available to me when a student ?

    Currently, the notification options available are "Ding" and "E-mail," as listed on your "Advising Appointment Queues" tab. A "Ding" is a quick pop-up message accompanied by a sound that appears when you are logged into the STAR System and are on this tab.  You can also choose to receive an email.  The "Text Message" option is disabled.

  • Who has access to Advisor Reports? To Notes? What about students?
    All users with advisor-level access can view Advisor Reports, as these reports are designed to be shared with other advisors.  All users with advisor-level access can view Notes as long as the note has not been made private by the advisor who created the note (which can be done by checking the box next to their own name in the "Visibility" section of the Note).  Students do not have access to Advisor Reports and only have access to Notes that have been shared with them by an advisor (which can be done by checking the box next to the student's name in the "Visibility" section of the Note).
  • Is there a way I can indicate certain students belong to certain populations so I can search for them as a group?
    Yes. “Tags” are a way to make such indications and can be applied from both the Advanced Search page and the “My Assigned Students” tab using the “Actions” menu. Please be aware that all advisors can view, apply, and search by tags created by any advisor.
  • How do I set up my available office hours (i.e., the times when I am willing to accept appointments)?

    Click on “My Availability” tab on your Advisor Home page.

    Select “Add Time” from the “Actions” menu within the Times Available section.


    Select the day(s) you would like to make available by clicking on them.


    Select the available time window using the slide bar.

    Click the “Appointments” button for scheduled appointment availability, or click the “Drop-ins” button to enter drop-in availability.


    Select the Duration of time using the pull-down menu “A Range of Dates” is the recommended option.  If you select Forever, you will want to make sure all future holidays and other closings are blocked out your calendar.


    Select your office in the Location pull-down menu.  Email if your office does not appear in the list.


    Select the correct “Student Service” (typically “Advising Appointment”) in the Select Student Services field.


    Click the Save button.

  • How do I set my default appointment length and the number of hours in advance that a student can schedule an appointment?

    Click on the “My Availability” tab on your Advisor Home page.


    Click the “Edit Appointment Constraints” link.


    Enter a number in the “Hours in advance” field.  The number you enter specifies the hours in advance that the student must schedule the appointment.  Entering 12 or 24 will force a student to select an appointment time that is at least 12 or 24 hours after the time they log in to make the appointment.

    Select a “Default Appointment Length” using the pull-down menu.  If no entry is made here, all appointments will default to 30 minutes.


    Click the “Update Constraints” button.

  • Is it possible to select multiple advisors, categories, and/or majors in an Advanced Search?
    Yes, multiple options can be selected by selecting one option within a field, then clicking within the field and selecting another option.  Categories, Tags, and Majors also have OR, AND, and NOT searching options, which are displayed by clicking the plus (+) icon next to each search field.   Please note that making entries in multiple search fields will reduce the results returned.  For example, selecting a major and a category will return only those students who have declared that major and are a member of that category.