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All applications must be submitted by: October 16, 2023


  • Up to $30,000 for graduate or professional school
  • OSU Institutional Deadline: October 16, 2023
  • (National Deadline: February 6, 2024)


  • Junior standing (expected graduation dates: December 2024 or May 2025)
  • 3.50 minimum cumulative GPA
  • United State citizens or U.S. national
  • Academic excellence, extensive leadership experiences, and record of public and/or community service
  • What do I need to apply?
    1. Personal details:  Name, address, phone, email, legal state of residence, expected graduation date and undergraduate degree;
    2. Attach a resume (no more than two pages) in which you give information on your educational background, honors, awards, activities, jobs, etc.  Please make separate divisions for high school and college;
    3. Describe in one paragraph a specific example of your leadership abilities;
    4. Describe in one paragraph your most satisfying public service activity (different from #3);
    5. What are the three most satisfying or helpful courses you have taken in preparation for your career? Explain briefly, using one or two sentences for each course.
    6. Describe the graduate education program you intend to pursue if you should receive a Truman Scholarship;
    7. What do you hope to do, and what position do you hope to have, immediately upon completing your graduate studies?  Five to seven years later?
    8. Essay:   In approximately 500 words, analyze a significant public policy issue or problem that is in your intended area of public service.  Present your analysis in the form of a memo to the government official who you feel has the most direct authority to resolve the issue (e.g. President, Cabinet Office, Governor, Chair of a legislative committee).  Your memo should define the issue, lay out your proposed solution, identify major obstacles to the implementation of your solution, and recommend a specific course of action.  Provide statistical data, if necessary, to put the issue in context and support your recommendations. 
    9. Two letter of recommendation from a faculty member, department head, or academic advisor
    10. A copy of your fall schedule (to help arrange interviews)
    11. An official college transcript
  • What is the process?
    The OSU committee will interview several of the most promising candidates in November following a preliminary screening of applications. OSU finalists will be notified regarding the interview portion of the competitions shortly after the deadline. Interviews will be scheduled for early November.
  • Oklahoma State University's Truman Scholars
    • 1980     Jeannette S. Jones-Webb (FRCD)
    • 1981     Angela L. Robinson (Political Science)
    • 1983     Carla-Kaye Jones Switzer (FRCD)
    • 1987     Kent L. Major (Higher Education)
    • 1994     Bryan R. Begley (Mechanical Engineering)
    • 1995     Wren E. Hawthorne, Jr. (Political Science)
    • 1997     Shannon L. Ferrell (Agricultural Economics)
    • 1998     Chris Stephens (Agricultural Economics)
    • 1999     Kimberly A. Sasser (Nutritional Science)
    • 2000    Kent W. Gardner (Agricultural Economics)
    • 2001     Julia Arntz (Environmental Science)
    • 2003     Tom Jenkins (Fire Protection & Safety Technology)
    • 2004     Joe St. John (Accounting, Management Information Systems, Finance)
    • 2007     Matt Stiner (Political Science)
    • 2008     Cortney Timmons (Biosystems Engineering)
    • 2011      Blake Jackson (Agricultural Economics)
    • 2014     Chacey Schoeppel (Agribusiness)
    • 2020     Adrienne Blakey (Plant and Soil Science, Agricultural Communications)



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