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All applications must be submitted by: October 16, 2023


  • Up to $7,500 for eligible expenses (tuition, fees, room/board, books)
  • OSU Institutional Deadline: October 16, 2023
  • (National Deadline: January 26, 2024)


  • Sophomore or junior standing, or senior in the fourth year of a five-year bachelors program
  • 3.80 minimum cumulative GPA
  • United State citizens or permanent resident
  • Extensive undergraduate research experience
  • Intent to pursue a career in the field of mathematics, natural sciences, computer science, or engineering

See website for more information:

  • What do I need to apply?
    • Personal details: Name, address, phone, email, legal state of residence, expected graduation date and undergraduate degree;
    • Attach a resume (no more than two pages) in which you give information on your educational background, honors, awards, activities, jobs, etc. Please make separate divisions for high school and college;
    • List research activities associated with mathematics/natural sciences/engineering in which you have participated, or describe an area in which you anticipate participation at a later date;
    • Describe in a brief paragraph how your academic program will prepare you for your chosen career goal;
    • Essay: In approximately 500 words, discuss a significant issue or problem in your field of study that is of particular interest to you. It is advisable to link any research interests you have proposed or completed to the topic – whether the research was individual or in collaboration with others.Assume that your reader is knowledgeable about your field. The content and style of your essay will be important to the success of your application.
    • Two letters of recommendation from a faculty member, department head, or academic advisor familiar with your work and career potential. If you have been involved in research, one of your recommendations must come from the individual who supervised your work.
    • An official college transcript.

    PLEASE NOTE: It is possible to create an account and pre-application on the Goldwater Foundation website. This does not automatically qualify your application for institutional review. You must also submit the application materials listed by the deadline. If you have any questions about the institutional application process, please contact the Director of Scholar Development.

  • Oklahoma State University's Goldwater Scholars
    • 1989- Ward H. Thompson (Physics)
    • 1990- Michael C. Oehrtman (Mathematics)
    • 1991- Ross S. Keener (Biochemistry)
    • 1994- Belinda S. Bashore (Chemistry)
    • 1994- Michael E. Holcomb (Mathematics)
    • 2000- Mario D. White (Mathematics, History)
    • 2001- Scott Wise (Electrical Engineering)
    • 2002- Bryan McLaughlin (Electrical Engineering)
    • 2003- Ashleigh Hildebrand (Chemical Engineering, Philosophy, Chemistry)
    • 2003- Cassie Mitchell (Chemical Engineering)
    • 2004- Ryan Scott (Physics, Mathematics)
    • 2004- Nick Rasmussen (Zoology)
    • 2006- Melinda Hale (Mechanical Engineering)
    • 2008- Renee Hale (Chemical Engineering)
    • 2008- Paul Egan (Aerospace Engineering)
    • 2008- Ilya “Eli” Sluch (Chemistry, Biochemistry)
    • 2009- Ryan Paul (Aerospace Engineering)
    • 2010- Lydia Meador (Botany, Microbiology, Biochemistry)
    • 2012- Rosa Yorks (Zoology, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics)
    • 2017- Nick Nelsen (Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics, and Aerospace Engineering)
    • 2018- Sage Becker (Animal Science)
    • 2019- Christopher Jones (Geology)
    • 2019- Jeffrey Krall (Microbiology/ Cell & Molecular Biology, Biochemistry)
    • 2019- Cole Replogle (Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
    • 2020- Josh Anadu (Environmental Science)
    • 2020- Blake Bartlett (Chemical Engineering) 
    • 2021- Ashley Gin (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology)
    • 2021- Collin Thornton (Computer Engineering, Electrical Engineering) 
    • 2021- Alexis Vance (Chemical Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering)
    • 2022- Alexandria Bias (Chemical Engineering, Mathematics and Political Science)
    • 2023- Georgia Eastham (Plant and Soil Sciences, Biochemistry and Chemistry)
    • 2023- Charlie Vermeire (Microbiology/Cell and Molecular biology, Biochemistry)



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