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Lionel (Emeritus) Raff

Regents Professor of Chemistry



Professor Raff conducts theoretical research primarily in the area of chemical reaction dynamics under a variety of conditions.  These investigations involve the use of quasiclassical molecular dynamics, semiclassical quantum mechanical methods, close coupling and wave packet calculations, and variational Monte Carlo studies of reactions rates and mechanisms.  Recently, Professor Raff has focused his research on the execution of theoretical dynamics using purely ab initiomethods and neural nets to obtain the required potential-energy surfaces.  These methods are being applied to gas-phase, unimolecular reactions with several open reaction channels as well as to ab initio investigations of machining, polishing, grinding, indentation, cutting, and uniaxial tension experiments.  He is a member of the SAID (Signal Analysis and Integrative Diagnosis) Group of 13 scientists, engineers, nurses, and medical doctors who are combining their skills and interests to effect automated, computerized methods to achieve accurate diagnosis of pathological cardiac conditions.    These research efforts have been supported by five federal funding agencies with over $11 million in funding.  The results of the various investigations have been communicated in 204 refereed publications, three books, and 44 graduate students have obtained advanced degrees under Professor Raff's direction.

Raff Lionel dressed in Commencement Regalia