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Afshin Ghajar

Regents Professor of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering



Afshin J. Ghajar, a Fellow of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME), has made significant contributions to the field of thermal sciences through his experimental, empirical, and numerical works in heat transfer and stratification in sensible heat storage systems, heat transfer to non-Newtonian fluids, heat transfer in the transition region, and non-boiling heat transfer in two-phase flow. Dr. Ghajar is currently Regents Professor and Director of Graduate Studies in the School of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Oklahoma State University. He received his BS, MS, and Ph.D. degrees all in Mechanical Engineering from Oklahoma State University. His expertise is in experimental and computational heat transfer and fluid mechanics. His current research is in two-phase flow heat transfer, thermal management of mini and micro systems, and mixed convective heat transfer and pressure drop in the transition region.

Dr. Ghajar in a special ceremony in July 2009 was named the Honorary Professor of Xi’an Jiatong University. Xi’an Jiatong University, one of the top 10 universities in China, ranks number one in the field of energy and power engineering. The honorary professorship at Xi’an Jiatong University is one of the highest positions offered by the university to foreign scholars.

Dr. Ghajar is co-author of the 4th Edition of Çengel and Ghajar, Heat and Mass Transfer – Fundamentals and Applications , McGraw-Hill, New York, NY, 2010. Since 1997, he has been the Editor-in-Chief of Heat Transfer Engineering, an international journal published fifteen times per year by Taylor and Francis.Heat Transfer Engineering is aimed at practicing engineers and specialists in heat transfer. In 2007, Dr. Ghajar also became the Heat Transfer Series Editor for CRC Press/Taylor & Francis.

Dr. Ghajar has been a Summer Research Fellow at Wright Patterson AFB (Dayton, Ohio) and Dow Chemical Company (Freeport, Texas).  He and his coworkers (55 M.S. and 10 Ph.D. students) have published over 150 peer reviewed research papers. His research in "Two-Phase Flow" and "Heat Transfer and Pressure Drop in the Transition Region" has been featured in the recent edition of the Engineering Data Book III of Wolverine Tube, Inc. He has been the author/co-author of seven book chapters, series editor for four heat transfer textbook/reference books and has developed three interactive/visual educational software packages: COMPROP2 for compressible flow modeling and computation (used with two compressible flow textbooks published by McGraw-Hill), SAGTD for simple gas turbine design (used in courses related to gas turbine propulsion), and SS-T-CONDUCT for steady state and transient heat conduction calculations (used in his heat transfer textbook published by McGraw-Hill).

Dr. Ghajar has received several outstanding teaching/service awards, such as the Regents Distinguished Teaching Award, Halliburton Excellent Teaching Award; Mechanical Engineering Outstanding Faculty Award for Excellence in Teaching and Research; Golden Torch Faculty Award for Outstanding Scholarship, Leadership, and Service by the Oklahoma State University/National Mortar Board Honor Society, and the College of Engineering Outstanding Advisor Award.

Afshin Ghajar in Graduation Regalia