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The Provost and Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs supports the following incentive plans:

  • Educational Attainment Incentive Plan

    In the Office of Academic Affairs, we firmly believe in the importance of furthering one's education through higher education and the attainment of degrees.

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  • Employee Service Award Incentive Plan

    It is appropriate at times to reward an employee who has gone above and beyond the requirements of his or her position.  This employee has demonstrated insight, innovation, and the ability to focus on the effective operation of the office and University.  The Provost and Associate / Vice Provosts may give these awards each fiscal year.  The Provost must approve all awards granted to employees who report directly to the administrator.  Awards will be given based upon merit and ability.

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  • HR Training Certification Incentive Plan

    The following programs can be found and completed throu OSU Talent Development / University Human Resources.

    OSU Ambassador Program

    OSU Leadership Development Program

    OSU Administrative Professionals Program

    OSU Facilities Management Leadership Certificate Program

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