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2025-2026; site visit date of April 20-21, 2026

2025-2026 Reaffirmation of Accreditation

An assurance argument is one of the documents through which a higher learning institution supports their accreditation status and provides evidence for each criterion. As part of the assurance argument that Oklahoma State University (OSU) will provide to the Higher Learning Commission (HLC) Peer Review team, OSU will identify evidence in support of each criterion. This evidence will be compiled by a team of OSU faculty, staff, and administrators who, through experience and practice, have gained a comprehensive understanding of institutional knowledge, context, and history, and can provide insight regarding OSU’s ongoing initiatives and processes to support the HLC criteria.

As part of the Comprehensive Evaluation for Reaffirmation process, a team of HLC Peer-Reviewers will visit the OSU campus. The HLC Peer-Reviewers will examine the assurance argument, meet with stakeholders of the university, and provide a recommendation regarding the institution’s Reaffirmation of Accreditation standing.

Timeline (Tentative)

Fall 2023
  • Establish the Steering Committee
Spring 2024
  • Begin communicating information about the accreditation process across the OSU campus
  • Begin drafting individual reporting elements for each criterion. Identify support documents that will need to be provided via the HLC assurance system
Summer 2024
  • Hold regular subcommittee meetings
  • Hold an open-ended discussion for criteria adherence across all the subcommittees
  • Continue to draft individual reporting elements for each criterion. Further identify support documents that will need to be provided via the HLC assurance system
Fall 2024
  • Hold regular subcommittee meetings
  • Hold an open-ended discussion for criteria adherence across all the subcommittees
  • Subcommittees should have all reporting pieces drafted and all supporting documents identified
  • Hold a public forum across all campuses to gather information and feedback as preparation for the visit
Spring 2025
  • Begin the editing process via the editors chosen in Fall of 2024
  • Another public forum will be held across all campuses to gather information and feedback as preparation for the visit
  • Support documents and criteria arguments will be updated in the HLC assurance system
  • February 2025 – Rehearsal of the reaccreditation visit with practice external reviewers
Prior to August 2025
  • Begin planning for the HLC visit in the upcoming fall. Coordinate the itinerary across all campus locations
  • Steering Committee and subcommittees finalize report entirely
August 2025 (Tentative)
  • Begin uploading all documents to the HLC assurance system
  • A public presentation of the report will be held
  • HLC will administer a survey to students prior to their site visit
  • The campuses will begin preparing in earnest for the upcoming site visit
The Open Pathway Comprehensive Evaluation Visit will occur during the 2025-26 academic year on April 20 to April 21, 2026.

HLC Criteria

  • Criterion 1: Mission
  • Criterion 2: Integrity – Ethical and Responsible Conduct
  • Criterion 3: Teaching and Learning – Quality, Resources, and Support
  • Criterion 4: Teaching and Learning – Evaluation and Improvement
  • Criterion 5: Institutional Effectiveness, Resources and Planning
New/updated Criteria from HLC and will be released in June of 2025.  This section will be updated accordingly.
More information can be found on the HLC website:
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